VisualHint's blog

Smart FieldPackEditor Final for .Net 6, version 2.0.0, is released

After releasing Smart PropertyGrid for .Net 6, customers pressed me with questions about whether Smart FieldPackEditor would also be available for the latest version of .Net. The porting was already done but I hadn't updated everything about the build, licensing and publishing as a NuGet package. It is now done. You will find:

  • A trial package on nuget.org. The adapter for SPG is also on nuget.org.
  • The licensed product on a private NuGet server.
  • Usual samples on Github.

I took the opportunity to also release SFPE for .Net Framework as a NuGet package, and your purchased copy is on a private NuGet server too.

AS a reminder, SFPE for .Net 6 is considered a new product. If you already own licenses for .Net Framework, there is no upgrade path and you need to purchase new licenses.