The next major feature
"Smart PropertyGrid.Net will now support Microsoft UITypeEditors (dropdown and modal), the built-in ones provided in the .Net framework as well as the custom ones you have created."
In this post I wanted to announce that I was working on the first of the next major features available in SPG.Net 2.0. But this is a feature that many people requested and therefore I will answer to this wish by creating shortly a version 1.5 that will integrate it, even if officially this is a "2.0" feature.
The reason to add support for "legacy" (hehe, sorry, couldn’t resist) Type Editors is that my customers often take time to migrate their application to the new way SPG is working. In fact every client application using SPG should reasonnably stop using SelectedObject but I understand time and budget constraint matters and to allow easy switching between the Microsoft PropertyGrid and SPG, UITypeEditors must be fully handled.
If you have any questions or specific needs related to Microsoft UITypeEditors, please contact me and we will discuss while this is still in the works.