VisualHint's blog

Price plans

Price plans have been defined and are as follows:

Initial subscription (30 days) with sources: 1 license = $159 ($127 for a limited time) 5 pack = $755 (5% discount) 10 pack = $1,429 (10% discount) 20 pack = $2,544 (20% discount) Full site = $5,959 (25% discount) You can mix the packs to obtain the appropriate number of licenses.

Initial subscription (30 days) without sources: 1 license = $99 5 pack = $469 (5% discount) 10 pack = $891 (10% discount) 20 pack = $1,584 (20% discount) Full site = $3,712 (25% discount) You can mix the packs to obtain the appropriate number of licenses.

Yearly renewal for support and updates: The formula is simple: you pay half what you paid for the product, and if you purchase the renewal during a valid subscription, you get an additional 30% discount. For example, a 5 pack renewal purchased in time would cost: (755 / 2) = 377 - 30% = $264

Consulting for the implementation of custom lool/feel/inplace controls classes will be available and will be quoted on request.